Mozilla在发布了Firefox 58正式版后,马不停蹄地开始Firefox 59.0的开发工作,59.0的Beta版第一次出现在FTP上时已经是Beta 3了。此次更新在about:preferences页带来了不少人期待已久的一个设置:在网站包含通知选项时,可以选择是否弹出提示接受,而不是每次打开页面都会被这个选项骚扰。
For users with the unified search bar, search suggestions will appear ahead of browsing history by default. This can be changed in Settings on Windows and in Preferences on Linux and MacOS.
Added new settings in about:preferences that allow you to stop intrusive websites from asking you to receive notifications or access advanced device features such as camera and geolocation, while still allowing websites you trust to use these features.
Added locale: Interlingua (ia)
Changed the location of Firefox Health Report from about:healthreport to about:telemetry